Recreating Outdoors Continues to Be the Safest Option in Milwaukee
For Immediate Release:
September 1, 2021
Milwaukee, WI – Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions the last year and a half, more Americans than ever before turned to the outdoors, some for the first time and others for the first time in many years. With pandemic restrictions beginning to change yet again due to the Delta variant, studies show people continue to prefer, and feel safer, participating in outdoor activities with family and friends. Wheel Fun Rentals has two Milwaukee locations in Veterans Park that provide open-air, safe, and fun outdoor recreation at a reasonable price. So, it’s easy to stay connected with others, while staying safe.
Wheel Fun Rentals continues to see higher-than-average numbers of people recreating outdoors. “Being outdoors is a safe way to spend time with friends,” said Veronica Smith, a customer on a swan pedal boat at Veterans Park North. According to the CDC, “You are less likely to be exposed to COVID-19 during outdoor activities, even without the use of masks.”
“The pandemic’s impact has inspired many to reevaluate priorities, seeing possible life changes and reducing screen time. These healthy lifestyle changes have continued to remain important for the base majority of the population even as restrictions ease or change,” said Mike Ullerick Operations Director for Wheel Fun Rentals. According to an Outdoor Industry Association report, new outdoor participants continue to flock to outdoor programs and activities that engage families, that make life more social, and that are easily accessible and close to home.
Wheel Fun Rentals offers a variety of healthful and affordable recreation opportunities at their two Veterans Park locations. With bike tours, cruiser bikes, specialty multi-user cycles, swan pedal boats, and more, Wheel Fun’s activities aren’t just for families and kids, they are truly enjoyed by people of all ages and all physical abilities.
Wheel Fun Rentals has been in the recreation business for over 30 years, and customer safety and health are always a top priority. Wheel Fun Rentals continues to promote a safe environment for everyone. Safety protocols include: disinfecting of rental product, touch-less payment, digital receipts, and more. To read about current safety measures, visit
Outdoor recreation, along with the endorphins it creates, is the perfect antidote to the mental, physical, and emotional consequences caused by the pandemic. Wheel Fun Rentals offers a variety of ways to get out from behind the screen and a method to maintain focus on what is most important in life. To find a location near you visit,
Wheel Fun Rentals Media Contact: Rodney Knight | (320) 266-1164 |
About Wheel Fun Rentals
Founded in 1987, Wheel Fun Rentals started with four wheel Surrey cycles, evolved into specialty bike rentals and bike tours, and now offers recreational rentals of all kinds from more than 100 outlets in 16 states. Specializing in unique bikes and tours, Wheel Fun Rentals has been offering clean, healthy family fun and affordable outdoor entertainment to nearly 3 million customers annually from city and state parks, resorts, and retail outlets through corporate locations and franchised territories. For more information about Wheel Fun Rentals please visit or call 805-650-7770. Follow Wheel Fun Rentals: @WheelFunRentalsOfficial on Facebook, @WheelFunRentalsOfficial on Instagram, and @WheelFunRentals on Twitter.