- Renters must have a valid government-issued photo ID and be 18 years of age or older.
- All Rentals: One-hour minimum. After the first hour, all rentals are prorated in 15-minute increments.
- We do not offer refunds for weather – Rain Checks Only.
- Damaged Goods – you will be charged for product damaged during your rental.
Boat Capacities:
– Water Trike: 2 people & 1 small lap child.
– Kayaks: Single Kayak – Maximum 1 person. Double Kayak – Maximum 2 people.
– Stand-Up Paddleboards – Maximum 1 person, or 1 adult with small child under 40lbs.
Be Safe:
– Unless you have personal watercraft certifications, constantly check to assure you are staying close to the shore. Weather and other circumstances can change quickly. Always take a conservative, safety-conscious approach when making decisions on the water.
– Safety equipment offered FREE. We recommend it!
– Please be certain you receive and understand riding instructions prior to renting.
– ALL boaters must wear life jackets at ALL times.
– Minimum age to be on a watercraft without an adult onboard is 6 years old. Minors without guardians onboard must stay in the designated areas. (See map posted at location)
– If you do not follow the safety instructions you will be asked to return your unit and no refund will be issued.
– If you paddle/pedal beyond designated areas, or your physical ability, and have to be rescued (or equipment recovered) there will be a $50 additional fee.
– Please be mindful of fishermen and their lines in the water.
– ALCOHOLIC beverages are NOT permitted at any time before or during watercraft rentals.