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Learn How To Kayak Like A Pro

Learn How To Kayak Like A Pro

Article by Derek Lenze of Floating Authority. View Original Article Here >

Whether you’re planning on a simple day paddle, a fishing excursion, or an afternoon with friends and family. Kayaking can be an exciting and engaging activity that you can practice either alone or with a group of people. Since they’re smaller than other types of boats, kayaks can be difficult to get used to use the first few times. Hi I’m Derek from Floating Authority and I have been kayaking for over 20 years now. I remember when taking my first sea kayaking class I was terrified at first! Little by little I chipped away at the class and started enjoying it and I was hooked since!

Given the seemingly difficult process of first learning how to kayak, this complete guide can help you learn how to kayak like a pro. More specifically, you’ll find information about what you’ll need to get started, what type of kayak you should use for each type of different activity, and other information about how to move the kayak in general
to get used to use the first few times.

Before Getting Started

Since kayaking, in general, can be a difficult activity to get the hang of, regarding the different equipment that you need in addition to the knowledge of your surroundings and skill involved, you should make sure you understand a few factors before you plan on heading out for your first trip. More specifically, you’ll want to make sure that you have the right kind of kayak, you plan your route beforehand, and you spend the right amount of money depending on how often you want to use the kayak.


Getting The Kayak


Renting a kayak is recommended for you if you’re planning on going with a smaller group of people to the lake or ocean. I feel like renting is the best way to dip your toes into the water when it comes to trying a kayak. You are still not entirely sure if you are going to like kayaking, so why not spend $20 and find out for an hour or two! Kayak rentals also supply the equipment you need so all you have to do is sign some forms and get out on the water!

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